Sunday, May 17, 2009

Lunch anyone?

So it is looking like Chelle might be on for the shindig at her house on Thursday night.  Now I know some of you are up north and I totally understand the drive time is killer.... soooo.... how about we have our party Thursday but also we could meet up on Friday for an early lunch somewhere up in Logan?  Like 11:00?  Like Chelle said... 'discuss'  :)


Kristyn said...

Again, I am up for anything. How early do we have to be at the race? Does Van 2 even go to Logan?

Kelly(M&M) said...

Oh, I really like this idea!! So, if Kristyn is in, I am in! :-)

Tall Girl Running said...

Now there's a good idea!

If both our teams start running at 12:30, how early do we need to check in? Maybe we'd need to meet a little earlier on Friday (breakfast or brunch) to make sure we have plenty of time? I'm still willing to "host" at my parents' home or if you'd rather meet at a restaurant in Logan, that's cool beans too.

Mel said...

I think its a good idea too!

However, if Van 2 doesn't need to go all the way to Logan then maybe it would be too much of a hassle for them. What are your thoughts?

Amy said...

I LOVE it when people come up with great ideas! And meeting for lunch before the race IS a great idea! I'm in. Just tell me when and where.

The Eberhardts said...

i think it is important for all of us van 2 runners to be there to cheer on van 1 at the start, and to get organized. we'll have time before the switch, but it is incredibly difficult to focus on all that is going on when you can't find your wallet/running shoes/chapstick, etc... we found that we didn't take enough time at the start in texas, especially van 1, to figure out where to put our junk...rather, it just kind of rolled to the sides and front as we went along and you just hoped to find what you were looking wasn't until about exchange 18 that we had things figured out... and we found lots of lost treasures at the end!