Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Breakfast Roll Call

It looks like everyone's going to make it to the breakfast on Friday morning. Huzzah! (There's several of you I haven't heard from personally but I'm assuming due to your ride arrangements to Logan you'll be there too.)

I want to be sure you all know you're welcome to come to my parents' house anytime on Friday morning, especially if you want extra time to pack up your vans and/or get them decorated. I'll be staying there Thursday night and will be up early getting things ready myself, so feel free to come when you want. It's my understanding we need to check in at the race an hour before our start time at 12:30, so we'll plan on eating breakfast at 10:00 and should have enough time to wrap things up and head over.

If anyone still needs directions or contact numbers, you can email me at I'll be leaving for Logan Thursday evening but will have internet access again once I'm there.

48 hours and counting!

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