Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Oh my!!!!! Anyone else have a to do list that is now consuming most of a notebook? :)

SO.... in order to cross off 1 thing at least today we are going to have a little show and tell....

Remember The List? Go refresh if you need to :) Here is how to do it in picture form (I know it seems a little early to be packing but we have a 20 hour drive to do in the next few days so it is time for me to)
Making a list.... checking it twice....

Ziplocked and ready to go!

This is all I am bringing! Remember how I keep mentioning think small....
I really am not kidding!

Ok so on to another round up session to tie up loose ends.

1. I have made the assignment lists a little easier to read by making them posts. So go check them out. I figured we can figure out food things for each car by commenting on our own car :)

So here you go....

Kelly, Chelle, Jill, Sarah, Kristyn and Erin... Click Here!

Patti, Lindsay, Amy, Lisa, Jenny, Kari .... Click Here!

Tancy, Melanie, Cameo, Sarai, Jen P, and Angie R... Click Here!

Mandy, Amy P, Marianne, Bethany, Tiffany and Emily... Click Here!

Also has everyone thought through transportation? Kari I am planing on coming to you Friday morning :) but what is everyone else doing? If you don't have a plan and are just now realizing that no worries... that is why I am bringing it up.

Cameo... you need to leave in the seat because every one needs to have a seat belt. It was a fantastic idea but just not feasible.... sorry

Some clarification - the ziplocks aren't for anything specific but would have been handy for food or things while we did it here in Texas and the garbage bags are handy to have in case it rains a little and just to keep the cars as clean as possible with 6 females in them for 30+ hours :) As far a tarps I have heard they are handy to have to sleep outside. Me personally I would rather sleep sitting up in a car seat than not in a tent outside... but ya'll are welcome to see the stars if you want :)

Ok... discuss :)


Kristyn said...

garbage bags are a good idea--with the way it's been raining around here lately I wouldn't be surprised to see it. forecasts it though the local stations aren't at the moment. We'll have to wait and see.

Mel said...

The 10-day shows a 60% chance of rain! Thanks for your organization Erin!

Jen said...

You're super amazing Erin! That bag is tiny!!! Good visual for me to remember when packing. I'll get on it. And I would take the rain over 100 degree weather any day!

Sarai said...

So...I'am wondering about water belts and gel. Would we really need it since each leg is relatively short.

My legs are only 5.6, 4.9, and 7.9 last time I checked.

Anyway, just wanted to know what eveyone else is doing.

Can't wait!

Sarai said...

On tarps. If there won't be a huge chance for rain the day before the race I would not mind sleeping under the stars. It would give us less to carry and worry about. We could also do tents, I have a fanmily size one if team 2 van #1 wants me to bring it. Just a thought in case there's a team who can't come up with a tarp.

Sarai said...

it fits 6 people.

Tall Girl Running said...

I'm also curious about fuel belts. Does anyone know if there are water stations along the course the entire way or only at the exchanges? If the latter, I'll probably need to run with my belt, especially if the weather is warm. I'm used to drinking every mile or so.

amydear said...

Whew! Can't wait to start packing. Good luck with your drive, Erin. Thanks again for all the good info. I'm going to bring my belt so I can have my own water for my longer legs. I hope it doesn't rain too much!

Kristyn said...

I'm bringing my belt, too. Better safe than sorry, right? I like to run with it, anyway. I use it to hold my ipod because my armband chaffes my arm a bit. I'll take the rain too. I just hope no one gets kicked off the course due to lightning.